Dog-proofing Your Home Before Getting A New Dog


Dog-proofing Your Home Before Getting A New Dog

Congratulations! You’ve made the decision to enter the wonderful, if not always hectic, world of dog ownership – Now comes dog-proofing! You’ve undoubtedly done your homework and have a good idea of how to care for your new dog. Since your dog will spend a large chunk of their life in your home, it’s critical that you dog-proof your home and create a safe space for them.

Puppies are lively and curious, so you must be diligent while dog-proofing your house. It’s incredible what a single dog can get upto. By dog-proofing, you’re attempting to keep the puppy safe by preventing them from accessing anything potentially harmful.

There are several measures you should take before bringing your new puppy home. Puppies are naturally curious, and they may quickly find themselves in trouble. To dog-proof your house and keep your dog safe, read on!

Dog-proofing 101

Dog-Proofing Guide

Get Down To Business, Literally – Crawling about on all fours to acquire a pup’s perspective of the situation is one of the simplest methods to figure out what modifications need to be done. Look for objects that a puppy may chew on or get tangled in, as well as small areas he could fit through, to reduce the risk of an accident.

Don’t leave exposed electrical cords – Curious dogs may end up behind the TV or near a light, mistaking the rubber cord for a toy. Electrical cables are especially dangerous for dogs since they explore the environment with their mouths. When you’re unable to monitor them, you may use heavy furniture or buy cable covers to keep them off limits.

Stairs Gates – Falling down the stairs might result in serious harm, ensure that any doors that lead to stairways are shut and any other steps are blocked off with a pet gate.

Keep Human Food Out of Sight – It doesn’t take long for puppies to figure out where the treats are kept. When you’re unable to keep an eye, keep human food, especially that which is known to be hazardous to dogs, safely stored to avoid messes, overeating, and subsequent ingestion.

Take Care Of Trash – The concept is the sameā€”puppies can detect more or less anything, particularly old food and waste. By limiting access to the garbage can or purchasing a pet-proof can, you may prevent messes and potentially deadly ingesting.

More tips below – read on!

Store Medications Properly – Ensure that any dog or human meds, as well as other supplements, are safely stored and out of reach from your dog.

Keep Cleaning Supplies Handy – Keep pet cleaning materials on hand at all times to speed up the house training process and clean up any other puppy messes. Just make sure they’re out of reach of your puppy.

Secure Your Backyard – When feasible, fence your yard, trying to make sure that there are no minor holes or weak points from which your dog could escape. Keep dangerous plants out of your yard. Pools should be fenced off, and your dog should know how to access and exit the pool securely while it is open. Use pesticides and fertilisers sparingly, and keep garbage and garage supplies out of your dog’s reach.

Feeding from the table should be avoided – Although puppies may appear charming while they beg for food, most human foods are unhealthy for them. Sugarless gum, chocolate, raisins, and other items that are particularly harmful to dogs should be avoided.


Other considerations and tips

  1. Close the toilet lids to prevent the puppy from drinking from the toilet or falling in.
  2. Trim the grass and keep the bushes under control. In thick grasses, ticks are more likely to conceal and attach onto your dog.
  3. Heat should be avoided at all costs. When it’s hot outside, keep your dog indoors and provide plenty of shade and fresh water.
  4. Make sure you clean up after your puppy so he doesn’t try to eat his own waste.

Here’s another in-depth blog if you want to learn more about dog-proofing.

You’ll understand your pup’s specific inclinations (some chew, some dig) and be able to make extra improvements to your house once you’ve spent some time with him. Overall, getting a new dog home is an amazing experience, try to enjoy it as much as you can!

Read this article to know how you can raise your new pup better.