How to choose the right dog breed based on your lifestyle?


How to choose the right dog breed based on your lifestyle?

If you’re thinking about getting a dog but are not sure if it’ll suit your lifestyle, you’ve clicked on the right article. In this article we tell you all the considerations before getting a pet! If only fostering pets was more common in India, this decision would’ve been easier to make.

Which dog breed is the best for me is a question we often hear new pet parents asking.
The answer – personality is key

This phrase applies to pets just as much as it does to people. If you’re thinking about getting a dog, you may have a specific breed in mind, but is it the correct one for you? The personality of a dog is an important factor in determining whether it’s a good fit for your home. Knowing which traits and attributes are consistent with your own needs makes choosing a dog breed much easier. 

Use these guidelines to help you pick the best dog for your personality and lifestyle!

Take into account your home and family.

Do you live with your family or alone? Do you have little children, other pets, or elders at home? Consider not only the people in your family, but also your physical residence. Whether you live in a house or an apartment, have a huge fenced-in yard or a little patch of grass, live in a walkable area or have to commute to a dog park, all of these factors should be considered when picking a dog breed. 

These questions will assist you in narrowing down your dog search. If you live in a flat or don’t have quick access to a park or a place to go for walks, for example, you’ll want to stick with a little dog that doesn’t require as much space to exercise. 

If you have little children, you should probably avoid toy breeds, which can be delicate and frightened around them, and instead opt for a larger breed that has a reputation for being good with them. And if you’re drawn to large dogs like a Great Dane or a St. Bernard, make sure you have enough space in your home and yard to properly accommodate such large breeds. 

Source: PetMD

Examine Your Way of Life

Do you work a lot of hours or travel a lot? Do you enjoy going on adventures or prefer to stay at home?

It’s more sensible to opt for an active breed that can keep up with you if you have an active lifestyle. Terriers and other breeds in the athletic group enjoy a lot of action and exercise. An active breed, on the other hand, would not be the best option if you prefer to spend your Saturdays with your feet up. If you’re going to be away from home for an extended period of time and won’t be able to take your dog with you, choose a breed that can be left alone for lengthy periods of time.

Think about why you want a dog

It’s also a good idea to think about what you want from having a dog. Do you want a dog to be your buddy or a watchdog? Do you prefer a small companion to snuggle up on your lap or a large companion to keep you company while jogging? Some pet parents choose a nanny dog to keep an eye on their children while they play, while others seek a new best friend for their family. 

Being completely honest with yourself about why you want a dog and what you think he’ll do for you and your family will help you narrow down the perfect dog breed for you.

Time and money are important considerations

Determine how much time and money you can devote to a dog. Keep in mind that adopting a dog is similar to adopting a young child who will remain young indefinitely.

You’ll need to pay for services like grooming, exercise & health care amongst many others. Add to this a proper diet, a bed, toys, and different accessories. Some dogs require a greater number of accessories. 

For example, no matter how much you adore a Maltese puppy, it’s not the perfect dog for you if you don’t have the time or money to give it frequent brushing and trims. Furthermore, certain breeds have undesirable hereditary predispositions to medical issues that can be difficult and costly to treat.  

Puppies vs. Adult Dogs

Another crucial factor to consider is your age. Many individuals like to adopt puppies for a variety of reasons, including the fact that they are adorable and difficult to resist. Some people believe that nurturing a puppy fosters a stronger attachment between the dog and the owner. Puppies, on the other hand, may be a lot of effort to train and care for, and they have a way of testing your patience. 

Older dogs, on the other hand, are more likely to be housebroken and socialised, as well as having passed through the destructive “chew everything in sight” teething stage. Older dogs, unless they have a traumatic history (which they can overcome), normally have little trouble forming attachments with their owners.

Source: Labrador Site

Choosing a Dog Breed or Type

It’s time to explore breeds or types of dogs after you’ve identified every one of your ideal dog personality features. 

A good place to start is at your local shelter, where you can examine what types and breeds of dogs are available. In addition, HillsPet and the American Kennel Club both have a wealth of breed information articles to assist you. 

Start thinking about dog groups if you don’t know where to start. Terrier breeds, for example, are forceful and lively, and they require a firm hand and a great deal of patience to teach. Working dogs are intelligent and relatively easy to train, and they thrive when given a task to do. 

After you’ve narrowed down your choices, you might find it useful to speak with people who are familiar with the breeds you’re interested in. If you don’t know anyone who has owned certain breeds, try looking online, you’ll find a plethora of breed-specific forums and communities. 

It’s also a good idea to consult with your veterinarian, who can not only give you advice on breed temperament but also inform you if the breed you’ve picked has any medical predispositions to consider. Your veterinarian should be able to refer you to a reputable breeder or animal shelter. 

Remember that there are numerous excellent animal shelters that specialise in specific breeds, so you shouldn’t have to spend hundreds and thousands on a puppy from a breeder.

Mixed Breed vs. Purebred

While it’s very uncommon to encounter purebred dogs in need of loving homes at animal shelters, you’ll likely come across a considerable number of mixed-breed dogs. It may appear that predicting the temperament of a mixed-breed dog is more difficult than predicting the temperament of a dog bred to a certain standard, but it’s not. In general, mixed-breed dogs have a good combination of their parents’ dominant characteristics rather than the extremes seen in purebred dogs.

Mixed-breed dogs are also less prone to genetic problems that can occur when purebred dogs are overbred, according to the Humane Society of the United States. If you’re thinking about adopting a shelter dog, discuss the personality traits you’re searching for with the adoption counsellor. They should be able to assist you in finding the ideal partner. 

With all of these considerations, it may appear that selecting the correct canine personality is as difficult as selecting a soul mate. Well, it is! After all, for the next 10 to 15 years, your dog will most certainly be a significant other in your life. 

You owe it to yourself and your partner to make sure it’s a good fit!