Puppy Tick Treatment and Prevention: Protection At Home

Puppy Tick Treatment and Prevention: Protection At Home

We all love playing and cuddling with our furry balls of love at home. While at it, it is unpleasant to discover a tick latching onto the skin of our cuddle partner. Puppy tick treatment is crucial because these ticks suck blood from our puppy’s skin.

Let us learn more about these bloodsucking insects called ticks and fleas, their causes, and how to kill and prevent them.

Symptoms of Fleas and Ticks In Puppies

Your puppy will show visible symptoms and signs when infected with fleas and ticks. Observing these symptoms as early as possible will let you administer medication to kill them as soon as possible. So, here are the 13 most common symptoms of fleas and ticks in puppies:

  1. Itching
  2. Excessive shaking
  3. Bumps on skin
  4. Licking and biting of the skin
  5. Hair loss
  6. Visible flea dirt (small grain-like dirt)
  7. Scabbing of skin
  8. Hot spots
  9. Infection in skin
  10. Skin redness and inflammation
  11. Tapeworms
  12. Lethargy
  13. Loss of appetite

5 Causes of Ticks In Puppies

Ticks are drawn to dogs due to factors like their warmth, physical contact, and odors, among other attractions. These parasites are particularly active during warm seasons, such as summer and spring. Here are 5 common causes of ticks and fleas in puppies:

  1. Exposure to Environment: Puppies can pick up ticks and fleas from grassy areas, wooded regions, and places with tall vegetation.
  2. Contact with Infested Animals: Interactions with other infested animals, such as stray dogs, cats, or wildlife, can lead to parasite transmission.
  3. Poor Hygiene and Living Conditions: Unclean living environments and inadequate grooming can attract and support ticks and fleas.
  4. Lack of Preventative Measures: Not using preventive methods like tick and flea collars, topical treatments, or oral medications can increase the risk of infestations.
  5. Maternal Transmission and Shared Spaces: Puppies may acquire ticks and fleas from their infested mother during pregnancy or nursing. Living with other pets who have parasites can also lead to infestations.

Best Tick Treatments for Puppies

There are numerous ways for treating puppies with fleas and ticks on them. The first step always is to clean your puppy by giving them a bath. Here are the major tick treatments and medications you can use on your puppy:

Topical Spot-on Treatments

These treatments are applied directly to the skin on the back of the puppy's neck or between the shoulder blades. They usually provide protection against ticks, fleas, and other parasites for a month.

Tick Collars

Tick collars are designed to repel and kill ticks on contact. Look for collars labeled as safe for puppies, and make sure they are the appropriate size for your puppy's age and weight.

Tick Shampoos

Tick shampoos can be used to wash and remove ticks from your puppy's coat. They may not provide long-lasting protection but can be useful for immediate tick removal.

Tick Sprays

Tick sprays can be applied to your puppy's fur to repel ticks and kill existing ones. Choose sprays that are safe for puppies and follow the instructions carefully. Use these sprays while taking your puppy outside on a walk or to play.

Oral Medications

Some oral medications can prevent ticks and fleas in puppies. These usually need to be administered monthly and are available in different formulations based on your puppy's age and weight.

Ensure that you consult your veterinarian before using any of these treatments on your puppy. Your vet will make sure that the treatment is safe with respect to your puppy’s age and weight.

Spotting Ticks and Removing them

(Reference image)

Here are 4 steps to follow while doing a Tick-Check on your puppy along with the treatments mentioned above.

Step 1: Spot the Tick

  • Check your puppy's head, neck, ears, and feet for small bumps after walks.
  • Ticks are brown, black, or gray and vary in size.

Step 2: Remove the Tick

  • Use fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible.
  • Pull upward steadily; avoid twisting to prevent mouthparts from breaking off.

Step 3: Dispose and Clean

  • Place the tick in alcohol or flush it down the toilet.
  • Clean the area with mild soap or antiseptic.

Step 4: Consult Your Vet

  • If unsure, seek advice from your vet on safe removal.
  • Ask about tick prevention methods for your puppy's age and size.

Natural Remedies for Ticks

Although topical flea and tick medications are useful in removing and preventing ticks and fleas in your puppy. Here are some natural ways or remedies that can further solve the tick problem. You can use these as natural preventive measures to decrease the chances of your puppy getting infected.

  • Rosemary Oil: Rosemary oil contains natural tick-repelling properties. Dilute a few drops of rosemary oil in water and use it as a spray on your puppy's coat before going outside.
  • Lemon Spray: Create a solution by boiling sliced lemons in water and allowing them to cool. Use this lemon spray as a natural tick repellent by applying it to your puppy's fur.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar: A mixture of apple cider vinegar and water (1:1 ratio) can be sprayed on your puppy's coat as a natural tick repellent. Some dogs may be sensitive to vinegar, so monitor your puppy's reaction.
  • Neem Oil: Neem oil has natural insecticidal properties. Dilute neem oil with carrier oil (such as almond or coconut oil) and apply it to your puppy's collar to repel ticks.
  • Essential Oil Spray: Create a tick-repellent spray using essential oils like cedarwood, eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint, or lemongrass. Mix a few drops of the chosen oil with water and spray it on your puppy's fur, avoiding their face.

Preventing Ticks In Puppies

Fleas can ticks can cause immense discomfort for your puppy. If bred in excess, they also cause health problems like tick fever. Hence, prevention here is the best medicine. Follow these steps to maintain a tick-free life for your puppy.

  1. Keep your puppy’s living area clean and tidy.
  2. Check for ticks on the coat after outdoor activities.
  3. Avoid tick-prone areas when possible.
  4. Groom and bathe your puppy regularly.
  5. Consider natural tick repellents, if safe for puppies.
  6. Consider using tick repellents for the yard.
  7. Educate yourself about ticks and their harmfulness.

Importance of Tick Prevention and Dangers Associated

There are several potential dangers associated with tick infestations. Here are the reasons why tick prevention and removal are crucial:

Tick-Borne Diseases

Ticks are vectors for various harmful diseases that can affect both animals and humans. Some common tick-borne diseases include

  • Lyme disease
  • Rocky Mountain spotted fever
  • Ehrlichiosis
  • Anaplasmosis
  • Babesiosis.

These illnesses can lead to severe health complications, affecting the heart, joints, and nervous system.


Your puppy has a small body. In cases of severe tick infestations ticks can consume a significant amount of blood. This can lead to anemia. Anemia can result in weakness, fatigue, and other health problems.

Skin Irritation and Infections

While a tick lives in the body of your puppy, it continuously bites the skin to feed on it. Tick bites can cause skin irritation, redness, and inflammation. If a tick bite becomes infected due to scratching or improper removal, it can lead to secondary skin infections.

Decreased Quality of Life

Tick infestations can cause discomfort and distress in puppies, affecting their overall quality of life. Furthermore, Some dogs can be allergic to tick bites, leading to intense itching, hives, and other allergic reactions that can be distressing for the animal.

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