Teaching your Dog to Stay

Teaching your Dog to Stay

Our pets are surrounded by multiple distractions which can be a bit of an issue if your dog is hyperactive. This is all the more important to teach your dog to stay so that they aren't continuously triggered by their surrounding.

Follow these simple steps to teach your dog the command "stay" :

  1. Start by choosing a command word such as "stay" or "wait." Use this command consistently every time you train your dog to stay.
  2. Get your dog's attention by showing them a treat and giving the command.
  3. Slowly move away from your dog while holding the treat. Take small steps at first and gradually increase the distance.
  4. If your dog stays in place, reward them with the treat and praise. Use a happy tone and give them plenty of affection.
  5. If your dog moves towards you, gently guide them back to their spot and repeat the command. Don't scold or punish your dog, simply guide them back and try again.
  6. Gradually increase the duration of the stay command. Start with a few seconds and work your way up to longer periods of time.
  7. Practice the stay command in different locations and situations to help your dog generalise the behaviour.
  8. Consistency is key, so be sure to practice the stay command regularly.
  9. As your dog becomes more proficient at staying, you can start to add distractions to the training.
  10. Once your dog can stay in a variety of locations and with different distractions, you can start to fade out the use of treats as a reward and rely more on verbal praise and affection.

Remember that every dog is different and some may take longer to learn than others, so it is important to be patient and consistent with your training.